retirement planning learning hub

Retirement Case Study: Age 60 With $2M In Pre-Tax 401(k)
I’m $60 with $2M pretax in 401k! How Do I Minimize Taxes? Where Should I Take Money From First? How Will Strategic Roth Conversions Save Taxes Over My Lifetime? How Can I Reduce The Taxes Associated With My RMDs?

How Charitable Giving Can Lower Your Income Taxes: 4 Smart Ways To Give Tax-Efficiently!
Donating To Charities Can Provide Two Critical Benefits: It Allows You To Support Causes Close To Your Heart, And It Can Provide Significant Income Tax Benefits. Learn More About How To Maximize The Tax Benefit Of Your Charitable Donations.

The Retirement Tax Bomb
If you are a diligent saver socking away money into your retirement accounts, you may be setting yourself up for some unintended income tax consequences. The good news is with some careful planning, you may be able to defuse the effects of the “retirement tax bomb.”

Roth IRA Conversion Income Tax Implications
Converting your pre-tax retirement account balances to Roths can effectively position you for a tax-efficient retirement. When performing a Roth conversion, you may be confronted with the decision to withhold income taxes from the amount being converted. This decision can be complex and depends on various factors, including your current financial situation, income tax brackets, and long-term financial goals.

Strategic Ways to Use Donor Advised Funds
In order to employ them effectively, it is important to understand the structure, the income tax treatment, and the strategies available that will provide the most bang for the buck.

4 Questions to Ask When Deciding to Fund a Traditional or Roth IRA
Originally posted on LinkedIn on March 2, 2020